Requesting a New Position or Reclassification (UC Davis)

The department is responsible for first preparing a job description that clearly describes the position's duties, level of responsibility, and degree of supervision. 

New Positions:

Forward the job description, organizational chart, and memo explaining the purpose of the position, and vacancy listing to Compensation Services using the Job Builder system

For proposed new positions and reclassification requests, please keep your Dean/Vice Chancellor's office informed of your department's actions. If central office approval is required, please follow any applicable budgetary and HR review processes that are specific to your college/school/administrative unit.

Transfer of work from vacated CX positions
A notice to Teamsters is required when an existing career CX position becomes vacant, and the department proposes to transfer all or a majority of that position's work to a newly created career position that is not in the CX bargaining unit.  Should a notice be required, Compensation Services will contact the department and initiate the notice process to the union.

Reclassification requests:

Forward the job description, organizational chart, and memo from the Department Chair or Manager explaining any change in duties and responsibilities to Compensation Services using the Job Builder system.

*Note: If the reclassification request contains duties that would cause an employee's position to become critical, a background check must be conducted for the employee(s) concerned prior to sending the reclassification request to Compensation Services. 

Effective Date Policies:

  • Lateral Reclassification - The effective date is the first of the month following approval from Compensation Services unit.
  • Upward Reclassification - The normal effective date is the first of the month following receipt by the Compensation Services unit. If the reclassification is to a newly established class or is the result of revised class standards, the effective date may not be earlier than the effective date of the new class or standards.
  • Downward Reclassification - A downward reclassification is effective at the earliest practical date, but no later than six months after approval of the reclassification or upon replacement of the incumbent, whichever occurs first.

For detailed information regarding Compensation Services policies and procedures see PPSM Policy Section 36, Classification.