Shared Services Organization

The Shared Services Organization provides administrative support functions for both UC Davis and UC Davis Health in Human Resources, Payroll, and Leaves.


Pay and timesheet services support for client units.

Payroll Services


Staff and student employee onboarding services, and supervisor onboarding toolkit

New Hire / Onboarding


Recruitment support for staff and student employment.

Recruitment Services


Employee leaves of absence, including administrative and medical leaves.

Leaves Coordination Services

Jim Hankins, Executive Director
Jim Hankins Headshot. He is wearing a blue suit and smiling at the camera.

There was a project started up called the Student Hire Experience to encompass more than just processing. We set out asking, "how we can make this more broad, to include tangible job skills they can take away from the experience above and beyond just making money?"

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Customer Kudos

“THANK YOU SO MUCH [Ben Mundy] for revising AS access for Isabel and myself. We can now both see each other's tickets.... very helpful.”

“Thank you, [Sara Jalali].”

“Wow!! This case was taken care of so quickly and easily by Matthew Crabbe. Based on the service I typically receive, I was expecting to have to follow up multiple times and that the retro pay would be significantly delayed. I'm very pleasantly surprised at how seamlessly this was taken care of. Thank you Matthew!”

“Errors found were communicated promptly and updates/corrections made, [Ayona Mccullough].”

“Incredibly fast turn around rate, and I appreciated the steps communicated to me, [Amanda Donahue].”

“Ash [Ashmeen Sharma] has handled my last few inquiries and is helpful, quick, and friendly.”

“Wonderful turnaround time. I am so appreciative, [Christin Espinoza]!!”

“Mary Dec is awesome!”

“Thank you, [Vicki Klein]!”

“Thank you for this help, [Sara Jalali]!”

“I received my Emeritus ID card this week. Thank you, [Annabel Andalon].”

“I had some changes to documents that were uploaded but no way to upload the updates. Once I was contacted by AggieSerice staff, I was able to provide appropriate documentation, and everyone was very nice, [Samantha Ramsey].”

“Thank you [Beth Hoffman] for the almost immediate response to my request for access!”

“Thank you for being so quick, [Christin Espinoza]!”

“Same day, helpful answer, [Beth Hoffman].”

“The case I submitted contained an error, so I really appreciate the time taken to reach out to me to fix the issue, [Kristina Campas].”

“Quick completion Thanks, [Jessica Fung]!”

“I submitted what I thought was the correct request, but I made an error. Megan Wallace walked me through the process and explained everything in a way I was able to understand. Thank you, Megan!”

“Michael [Bricker] was very helpful with my request. I mistakenly submitted two cases and Michael swiftly retrieved and closed both of the cases. Thank you!!”

“It was great, [Beth Hoffman]!”

“Super quick response, [Jessica Fung]! I was expecting this to take a few hours- not minutes!”

“Letty [Centeno] is an excellent business partner!”