Layoff Information for Supervisors

Our goal is to minimize layoffs by considering staffing reductions only after other workforce adjustment options have been considered.

If layoff or reduction in time becomes necessary, it can be a difficult time for you, affected employees, and remaining employees. The information below can help you navigate the layoff as smoothly as possible for all concerned. As soon as you determine that layoff/RIT may be necessary, contact your Employee Relations Consultant, who will work with you throughout the process.

Department Responsibilities

If you anticipate a sudden stop of revenue (e.g., you received a STOP order or termination on a federal grant), take action immediately by contacting Employee & Labor Relations.

  • Refer to the relevant union contracts (collective bargaining agreements) and Personnel Policies for Staff Members (PPSM) for information about the process and requirements with regard to notice, severance, preferential rehire and recall. 
  • Personnel Funding Responsibilities
    • UC Davis does not have central reserves to cover unexpected personnel funding losses.
    • Carryforward (“savings”) is held by Principal Investigators (PIs), departments, schools, colleges, centers, and units, and if a grant is disrupted, personnel actions, including layoffs, may be necessary.  
    • UC Davis will be following minimum employee notice periods when funding is abruptly removed. Funding for required notice periods and other personnel costs will be sourced in this order: 1) Principal Investigator, 2) Department (if PI has no available funds), 3) College/School/Unit (if department has no available funds). If no local funds are available, an internal borrowing mechanism may be considered in rare cases.
  • Vacation Payouts & Severance
    • Vacation payouts are required upon separation, but do not impact operating budgets since departments have been contributing to vacation accrual liability all along. When paid out, it is not recorded as an operating expense.
    • Severance costs are covered under the Composite Benefit Rate (CBR). PIs, departments, colleges, and units do not bear additional costs for severance. 
      • PSS non-represented and represented employees: receive 1 week of base pay per full year of service (max. 16 weeks).

Policies and Support