UC Davis Campus Employee Recognition Programs

There is no centralized unit managing Recognition at the Davis campus, please work with your Unit/Department HR.

  • STAR: UC Davis Staff Appreciation and Recognition plan  The purpose of the STAR Award is to recognize employees who have gone “above and beyond” in support of the campus’ core values.  Eligibility includes policy-covered career employees, career MSP employees and career CX employees.  There is no central source funding for the program on the Davis campus so awards must be paid through existing division and department budgets.  STAR Award may not exceed 10% of the employee's base salary or $10,000, whichever amount is lower. 
  • Service and Retirement Awards The Davis campus provides service and retirement awards to their employees.  Each campus department/ departmental HR or operational unit is responsible for processing these awards for their employees.  For those employees in FOA, the FOA Vice Chancellor’s Office automatically processes the Service and Retirement Awards Program for all FOA department employees.
  • Chancellor's Outstanding Staff Awards - The cross-campus Chancellor’s Outstanding Staff Awards for Exceptional University Management and Exceptional University Impact recognize and honor staff employees who have demonstrated exceptional initiative to create significant positive impact on the UC Davis community in the past year.

    Awards given for:

    • Exceptional University Management (Managers & Supervisors)
    • Exceptional University Impact (Individual Contributors)
  • Send an e-Card:  Grateful.org has beautiful cards you can send.  You do not get on a list (nor the recipient) when you use this free service.
  • Initiate our RAG TAG (Random Acts of Gratitude) program--printing (professionally, to get the double-sided card size) and leaving postcards of appreciation for your peers--and then, tag, you're it...they have to further spread the ripples of gratitude.

Other Campus Recognition Programs: