How Much Do You Know About Workplace Violence?
Here are some interesting facts about Workplace Violence.
40% of healthcare workers experienced workplace violence in the last 2 years.
51% said that they dealt with a combative patient (of those who had been attacked).
Violence against healthcare workers is 12 times higher than the rest of the U.S. workforce.
Nurses exposed to workplace violence are 2 to 4 times more likely to experience post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, depression, and burnout than nurses with no exposure.
37% of college students have experienced some form of bullying or harassment on campus.
60% of college students have witnessed or experienced some form of roommate conflict leading to safety concerns.
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UC Davis Resources:
ASAP: hr.ucdavis.edu/departments/asap
Counselor drop-ins: https://ucdavis.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_byI2jDrEAPyQzMa?Q_CHL=qr
Support U Peer Responder Program: clinicalwellbeing@ucdavis.edu
Our website: https://hr.ucdavis.edu/prevent-workplace-violence
Workplace Violence Prevention Program
- Reporting Workplace Violence
- Training & Preventing Workplace Violence
- Resources & Support
- About Workplace Violence & Tools
Contact the Workplace Violence Prevention Unit: