How to Calculate Seniority for Layoff/Reduction in Time

  1. Prepare to calculate seniority
    • Contact your Employee Relations Consultant to find out:
      • Your layoff unit
      • Which job classifications will be affected by layoff in your department
    • Make a list of all employees in the layoff unit who have the same job classification as the positions scheduled for layoff
    • Collect time records for each employee in the classifications targeted for layoff
  2. Calculate seniority.
    • Seniority points: For each employee, assign one seniority point for each month worked on a full-time basis, as well as partial points for less-than-full-time employees.
    • Example: An employee works one month on a full-time basis and earns 1 seniority point. The next month, the employee works 75% on a full-time basis. The employee's seniority points total 1.75.
    • Other factors that affect seniority:
      • Only employment while on pay status counts toward seniority.
      • All types of paid time (e.g., vacation, Workers' Compensation) count toward seniority.
      • Employment before a break in service (separation from employment status) does not count unless the employee had been laid off with preference and re-employed within the preferential rehire period.
      • Determine seniority calculation method by reviewing Personnel Policy for Staff Members or the applicable collective bargaining agreement.
    • Retaining employees:
      • Out-of-seniority retentions: If individuals in your department possess special knowledge, skills, and abilities (e.g., certifications or licenses) required for business operations, you may be able to retain them regardless of seniority.
    • The least senior career employees in the same layoff unit and same classification are considered first for layoff.
  3. Make a seniority list.
    • Based on your calculations in Step 2, make a list of career employees in the same layoff unit and same classification in order of seniority.
  4. Check your calculations.
    • Contact your Employee Relations Consultant at 530-754-8994